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These inspiring thought leaders encourage us with their own potent life experiences to persevere in the face of failures, betrayals, and reversals. Here is sage advice as you continue to work for what is right and good for you to do. Some would call it “your assignment.” These four programs specially selected from the New Dimensions archive will enliven and encourage you to continue to be a warrior for the human spirit.
Persevering No Matter What
with Margaret J. Wheatley, Ph.D.
Program 3370
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What drags us under when we experience set-backs, failures, criticism while working for a cause, person, or place? Wheatley advises us to work with as much diligence as we can. She says that in the end it is about feeling that it is our work to do and doing it with vigor and enjoyment even though we don’t know what the outcome will be. Read more »
Warriors For The Human Spirit
with Margaret J. Wheatley, Ph.D.
Program 3460
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In this time of constant distractions and disappointment we become exhausted and heartsick as our good work is ignored. Wheatley speaks with fierce honesty as she gives us the map of where we are. She also gives us tools that enliven and reinvigorate us in our work and relationships. She’s the author of So Far From Home: Lost and Found in Our Brave New World. Read more »
Courage, Conversation and Changing The World
with Margaret J. Wheatley, Ph.D.
Program 3082
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Never before in human history have we been exposed to so much data from so many sources, a veritable deluge. According to Wheatley, “We have to slow down. Nothing will change for the better until we do. We need time to think, to learn, to get to know each other. We are losing these great human capacities in the speed-up of modern life, and it is killing us.” Read more »
Collaboration: The New Currency for a New Era
with Dawna Markova, Ph.D. and Angie McArthur
Program 3562
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A “mind share economy” is all about collaboration where the currency is ideas. The more ideas you share with each other the richer all of you are. A “market share economy” is based on the premise that the more of something you have and the less someone else has, what you have is more valuable. This sets up a culture of competition, and creativity suffers. Read more »