Taking Charge Of The Story Of Our Health with Carl Greer, Ph.D.
Free Listening, Interviews
What if despite aging, injuries, health conditions and illnesses you could not only return to a state of health you enjoyed previously but even improve on it? Greer explores feelings and thoughts, both conscious and unconscious, that are intertwined and can influence your physical health. He encourages us to explore…
Our Healing Is Enmeshed In Our Culture with David Bedrick, JD, DIPL PW
Free Listening, Interviews
Bedrick says that when we want to go for deep healing of some personal issue we must realize that there is a larger culture in which our wounds are embedded. Bedrick claims that no illness is solely rooted in the individual, but for the most part, mainstream psychology does not…
Microdosing Awe in Our Everyday Life with Jake Eagle, LPC and Michael Amster, M.D.
Free Listening, Interviews
Here we explore the emotion of awe and how we can receive its powerful benefits in our everyday life. Awe gives us a break from processing and judging unwanted events and gives us the capacity to see through them—to see a larger picture and we don’t have to travel to…
The Healing Power Of Sound with David Gibson
Sound is medicine, according to the research of David Gibson. Every person, emotion, and ailment has a tone. He explains that we can use frequency to match or cancel out a negative vibration, or meet a negative emotion more easily. He discusses the process of finding a sound that best…
Becoming a True Wisdom Elder with Connie Zweig, Ph.D.
Aging is a collective frontier. As humanity is living longer and longer, aging can feel rudderless without an anchor and often beset with fears of the future and of losing our capacities and our youth. Aging is a physical, emotional, moral, cognitive, and spiritual frontier. As we age the main…
Neurotoxins: The Invisible Pandemic with Brant Cortright, Ph.D.
The brain is exquisitely sensitive and responsive to its inner and outer environment. New neural pathways and new brain cells are continuously forming, and, at the same time, the brain is constantly pruning unused connections. It’s extremely complex with its multiple feedback loops, redundant protective mechanisms, its vast number of…
Play Is More Than Just Fun with Stuart Brown, M.D.
Play is something that’s deeply embedded in our natures. It contributes to mood, to optimism, and to hope for the future. It enables us with the ability to persevere. A world without it would be bleak indeed. Stuart Brown points out, “Play is a fundamental survival drive of humanity without which…
The Business Of Stories Is Waking Up with Martin Shaw, Ph.D.
Shaw is our guide in examining our broken relationship with the world. He shares this advice about deep listening. “If myth is the way that the earth thinks, I needed to listen deeply to forests and to rivers and mountains and to gullies and to open more land, to see the…
Empowering Women Artisans From Around the World with Kara Valentine
In this uplifting dialogue Valentine is sharing how her organization is offering women who are living in poverty stricken communities a way to earn a livable wage that supports themselves and their families. By partnering and building alliances with artisans around the world, women are rewriting their futures through jewelry…
The Healing Power Of Journaling with Diana Raab
Raab is an expert in journaling. She encourages each of us to make it part of our daily lives. She says, “Sometimes we feel bad but we don’t really know why. [Journaling] clears your mind and your mental health status improves . . .Very often we are so busy, robotically…