A Crisis Of Truth And Meaning, Recovering Soul In Times Of Change with Michael Meade
Free Listening, Interviews
Through the art of storytelling, Meade shares: “The key aspect of soul is its depth. . . It is the descending, the deepening part . . It’s the roots going further down as opposed to up towards the heavens . . .Soul goes towards diversity and multiplicity like the roots…
Sekhmet, The Egyptian Goddess Of “Enough Is Enough” with Nicki Scully
Free Listening, Interviews
The Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet is known as “She Who Comes in Times of Chaos.” She transforms fear and rage into alchemical gold. Whether this is actual or metaphorical, Scully teaches us how to tap into these healing energies and spin them into creative solutions that benefit yourself, your community, and…
The “Narrative Intelligence” of the Greek Myths with Carol S. Pearson, Ph.D.
Free Listening, Interviews
Most of us are trapped in the stories we tell ourselves; they guide what we pay attention to. When we expand that story, our possibilities increase. Archetypes, such as found in the Greek myths, can help us identify and change a debilitating tale into a powerful one that shifts our…
Finding Meaning in the Covid Pandemic by Scrutinizing Past Pandemics with Barbara E. Hort, Ph.D.
Free Listening, Interviews
The Covid pandemic is changing our world and changing our lives in ways that we hope will be positive, important, and enduring. The truth is that we will probably derive more pandemic insight from scrutinizing the past than from speculating about the future because no one pandemic is entirely separate…
How the Myth of Sisyphus Helps Us in our Own Dark Night of the Soul with Phil Cousineau
Phil Cousineau was once told by master teacher and psychologist, the late Rollo May that the myth of Sisyphus is an antidote to the modern myth of progress. Myths can and do reveal perennial truths about human nature and culture. Mythographers are fond of saying that myths are stories that…
Looking for The Deeper and Greater Unities with Michael Meade
Meade describes the landscape leading up to the Presidential election of 2020, “We are worn down, worn out. Burned out and exhausted—COVID crisis, political crisis, climate crisis… economic crisis, and equal opportunity and justice for all. We are divided and socially distanced We have to look for underlying unities and that requires, more than…
Healing Through Focused Journaling with Catherine Ann Jones
Jones gives practical advice as to how we can engage in deep inner work through focused journaling. She shares exercises that can act as powerful tools in reframing the pieces of our past and our life stories, so that suffering becomes meaningful and can boost our healing, empowerment, growth, and…
The Business Of Stories Is Waking Up with Martin Shaw, Ph.D.
Shaw is our guide in examining our broken relationship with the world. He shares this advice about deep listening. “If myth is the way that the earth thinks, I needed to listen deeply to forests and to rivers and mountains and to gullies and to open more land, to see the…
Thoughts to Get You Through The Night with Phil Cousineau
Phil Cousineau is a Renaissance man who has been able to maintain a wonder and awe about life which has stoked his creative fires for many decades. For him, the night is a companion for creativity. He describes how civilization arose from sitting around a fire in the night, “Before the…
Calling On The Spirit Of Artemis with Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.
The Greeks have given us a wealth of folklore and myths that are full of meaning for our lives. Among them are stories of the Goddess Artemis and her human counterpart, Atalanta. Their myths are rich with complexity, just like life itself. They give us clues as to how to…