Exploring The Secrets Of Light And Consciousness with Jacob Liberman, O.D., Ph.D.
Free Listening, Interviews
Liberman makes the provocative statement that “Anything that catches your eye is actually looking for you.” This leads him to speak about living in a choiceless way and following what attracts your eye. He says, “You see what grabs your attention is being animated by the same thing that animates…
Wise Guidance for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People with Judith Orloff, M.D.
Free Listening, Interviews
What is the difference between having empathy and being an empath? This deep dialogue explores the blessings and challenges of being an empath. Highly sensitive people have much to be grateful for. They are able to experience exquisite passion and joy. They can perceive the big picture on a deep…
Reclaiming Wonder and Hope with Hank Wesselman, Ph.D.
Free Listening, Interviews
Wesselman encourages us to move beyond “hand-me-down” beliefs and religions. Instead he invites us to co-create with spirit and follow a path of direct experience of the sacred. Our collective plunge down the steep slope of progress has come at the cost of a deep, intuitive connection with nature and…
Meeting Daily With Our Chief Spiritual Officer with May McCarthy
Free Listening, Interviews
Executives can spend hours in daily meetings to ensure the success of a company. What if that commitment can be applied to your own success, but with much more ease? As a founder of many business endeavors, May McCarthy works with various heads of departments such as Chief Information Officers…
Moving Beyond the Noise to Pristine Attention with Leigh Marz and Justin Zorn
We spend a bulk of our time in a very boisterous world of noise. We are in a constant deluge of information and chat whether it is from our email and social media, or the 24-hour news cycles with its constant announcements of breaking news. Even our households can be…
Accessing a Greater Field of Universal Wisdom with Colleen Mauro
Whether you believe intuition is our soul speaking to us, or that it’s coming to us from a greater field of universal wisdom and knowledge, intuition has been proven to assist us in the betterment of our lives and of the human condition. This dialogue explores examples of how intuition…
Wiccan Magic: A Coincidence Cooperation with Cerridwen Fallingstar
Magic can be described as the art of sensing energy, then learning how to flow with the energy rather than resisting it. It’s spiritual aikido. As humans we find comfort in what is predictable and unchanging. However, the nature of reality is that everything changes, everything is in flux, everything…
ESP, Autistic Children, Remote Viewing, Telepathy, And More with Diane Hennacy Powell, M.D.
Dr. Powell describes how her curiosity about human consciousness led her to study the extent of human extrasensory abilities. Her research drove her to focus largely on autism, savant syndrome and abnormal brain function, among other things, to support the existence of extrasensory phenomena such as telepathy, remote viewing, and…
Reimagining A Religion That Feeds Your Soul with Thomas Moore, Ph.D.
Church attendance continues to decline as many of us abandon the religious institutions of our youth. However, in today’s culture the search for the sacred has never been more active. Thomas Moore suggests that nature, art, and accessing the wealth of traditional spiritual wisdom can be of enormous help in…
A Comprehensive Conversation About What We Eat with Will Tuttle, Ph.D.
Gandhi once said, “The most violent weapon on Earth is the table fork.” Dr. Will Tuttle asks us to consider one of the primary driving forces behind a whole network of problems we face as human beings is the mentality of violence, exploitation, exclusion, and privilege that is required for us to eat animal…