Loving Without Limits with Guy Finley
Free Listening, Interviews
Our most loving relationships often start at the top of the mountain; they begin with the magic of romance. However, when the veneer of those early beginnings starts to wear thin, tensions inevitably surface. When we find ourselves reacting to our partner with potent, negative feelings, we have two choices.…
Living With Less Fear with Dean Sluyter
Free Listening, Interviews
As life unfolds, we all experience many successes as well as challenges. Sluyter warns us that “we get distracted by the good and the bad shiny objects. We get caught up in stuff and then we come to define our lives in terms of how things work out.” He reminds…
The Embodied Spiritual Path with Richard Strozzi-Heckler, Ph.D.
The French philosopher Descartes (1596-1650) was certain that we could alleviate chaos and provide certainty through rational means. His reigning philosophy was one of separating the mystery of Spirit from the life of the body. Reason ruled and sensing, feeling; intuition, and emotions, took a backseat to logic and conceptual…
Thomas Aquinas: A Sacred Activist for Our Time with Father Matthew Fox, Ph.D.
Thomas Aquinas was a Dominican friar, philosopher, Catholic priest, Doctor of the Church, and a premodern citizen in the 13th century. Here scholar, theologian, and teacher, Father Matthew Fox explores the writings and wisdom of this electrifying saint and speaks of Aquinas’ timeless wisdom to a postmodern world. Fox encourages…
Opening to Our Inner Radiance with the RAIN Process With Tara Brach, Ph.D.
We all have aspirations and intentions for our best lives. Yet these often go by the wayside as we get lost in unconscious, mental, emotional reactivity, fear, and our own personal woundedness. We get caught up in self judgment, blaming others, living on autopilot, as the saying goes. This makes…
The Essence of Erosion and Evolution with Terry Tempest Williams
Williams asks the central question for our world today, “How do we find the strength to not look away from all that is breaking our hearts?” She looks at the elements of erosion and evolution with regards to all that is shaping the physical landscape of our nation due to climate change…
Changing Your Brain Toward The Good with Rick Hanson, Ph.D.
Our brain is wired with a negative bias. Therefore, if we want to be happier, more loving, and more resilient we need to develop inner strengths towards a more positive state of mind. Rick Hanson shows us an effective and proven way to do just that. He suggests ways to…
Dealing With Chronic Pain with David Hanscom, M.D.
Having had had two spinal surgeries, ending up with kidney failure, ulcers and post-operative infection, David Hanscom has first-hand knowledge of chronic pain. This has left him with extreme empathy for patients who come to him. Since medical school he’s educated himself on mind/body syndromes. Discovering he had a lot…
Watering The Seeds Of Mindfulness with Zachiah Murray
Zachiah Murray tells us that mindfulness is an awareness of what is around us and within us in the moment, so that we can see deeply without being caught in the past or the future. She says mindfulness has a different flavor from meditation, “Meditation tends to take you from the…
What Really Matters with Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D.
Masters says, “I see anger as the guardian of boundaries. I see a lot of people caught in spiritual bypassing as having such poor boundaries they cannot say a clear no. They are overly attached to being nice, and sweet, and go to look positive. There is this addiction to being…