Creating a Better World From The Inside Out with Oren Jay Sofer

February 28, 2024
Read Time: 1 minute
Free Listening, Interviews
Our ancestors’ village was not the global village of the 21st Century, so writes Oren Jay Sofer in the Introduction to his book, Your Heart Was Made for This. The ancient ones did not have to contend with a bombardment of reportings of mass shootings, wars, and other ecological and social catastrophes. Nor…

Cultivating Your Own Vitality with Deborah Zucker, N.D.

June 21, 2023
Read Time: 1 minute
Deborah Zucker
Free Listening, Interviews
“Vitality is the essence of what it is to be alive,” says Deborah Zucker, “it is our life energy moving through us and expressing itself uniquely in each of us.” She believes that health and vitality are one and the same, so taking care of our health is absolutely necessary for our total…

Microdosing Awe in Our Everyday Life with Jake Eagle, LPC and Michael Amster, M.D.

May 31, 2023
Read Time: 1 minute
Free Listening, Interviews
Here we explore the emotion of awe and how we can receive its powerful benefits in our everyday life. Awe gives us a break from processing and judging unwanted events and gives us the capacity to see through them—to see a larger picture and we don’t have to travel to…

Essential Questions with Jacob Needleman, Ph.D.

January 11, 2023
Read Time: 1 minute
Jacob Needleman
Free Listening, Interviews
For millennia, humans have pondered their place in the grand cosmic order of things. If we had the opportunity to speak to our younger self, what would we say? What wisdom could we give to that younger self about the meaning and purpose of life? What does our experience tell…

The Embodied Spiritual Path with Richard Strozzi-Heckler, Ph.D.

November 21, 2022
Read Time: 1 minute
The French philosopher Descartes (1596-1650) was certain that we could alleviate chaos and provide certainty through rational means. His reigning philosophy was one of separating the mystery of Spirit from the life of the body. Reason ruled and sensing, feeling; intuition, and emotions, took a backseat to logic and conceptual…

Moving Beyond the Noise to Pristine Attention with Leigh Marz and Justin Zorn

August 31, 2022
Read Time: 1 minute
We spend a bulk of our time in a very boisterous world of noise. We are in a constant deluge of information and chat whether it is from our email and social media, or the 24-hour news cycles with its constant announcements of breaking news. Even our households can be…

Tap Into Your Inner Knowing Through The Body with John J. Prendergast, Ph.D.

March 30, 2022
Read Time: 1 minute
John J. Prendergast
Many spiritual practices guide us in what is known as “waking up.” Even though this process gives us a great sense of freedom and spaciousness, John J. Prendergast suggests that the path to “waking up” is by “waking down.” As we tune into our bodies, we receive messages where our…

An Intimate Picture Of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi with Tim Burkett, Ph.D.

January 5, 2022
Read Time: 2 minutes
Tim Burkett
After experiencing a spontaneous transcendent mystical experience, Tim Burkett sought spiritual instruction in Buddhist meditation. This was in 1964 before meditation was even on the American radar and there were hardly any Buddhist teachers on the scene. Looking in a San Francisco phone book he found a listing for a…

The Many Vehicles Of Meditation with Dean Sluyter

December 29, 2021
Read Time: 1 minute
Dean Sluyter
Have you ever tried to meditate regularly but had trouble sticking to it? Have you told yourself that you just don’t have enough discipline to sit and tame your mind, rest in the space between thoughts, or achieve a completely blank mind? Dean Sluyter advocates what he calls natural meditation.…

Finding An Antidote To The Attention Economy with Jenny Odell

November 20, 2019
Read Time: 2 minutes
More and more of us spend enormous spans of our time captured, optimized, or appropriated as a financial resource by the technologies we use daily. We are caught in a dynamic where our value is determined by our productivity. In her book, Jenny Odell points out, “The convenience of limitless connectivity…

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