Connecting With Our Inner Guidance with Ellen Tadd
Free Listening, Interviews
There are those of us who function primarily out of our analytical mind. Others of us are governed by our intuition or are moved to act from our gut feelings. This dialogue explores another force that can assist us in finding trustworthy guidance in our lives. Here we investigate what…
A Scientific Approach To Magic with Dean Radin, Ph.D.
Free Listening, Interviews
In this far ranging dialogue, scientist Radin separates magic into three categories: divination, force of will, and theurgy (evoking spirits – God force – through ceremony). Divination would include such things as tarot cards, rolling dice, and runes. He says of the other two: There is the “force of will…
Wise Guidance for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People with Judith Orloff, M.D.
Free Listening, Interviews
What is the difference between having empathy and being an empath? This deep dialogue explores the blessings and challenges of being an empath. Highly sensitive people have much to be grateful for. They are able to experience exquisite passion and joy. They can perceive the big picture on a deep…
Reclaiming Wonder and Hope with Hank Wesselman, Ph.D.
Free Listening, Interviews
Wesselman encourages us to move beyond “hand-me-down” beliefs and religions. Instead he invites us to co-create with spirit and follow a path of direct experience of the sacred. Our collective plunge down the steep slope of progress has come at the cost of a deep, intuitive connection with nature and…
Beyond The Physical—The Greater Reality With Dan Drasin
Free Listening, Interviews
Here we explore demonstrated scientific findings of the continuity of human consciousness beyond the physical body. Many scientists posit that consciousness resides in the material brain, but Drasin explores the afterlife in what is now emerging, in some branches of science, as post-materialism. These include messages from the “other side” that…
The Redemptive Power Of A Near Death Experience with Rajiv Parti, M.D.
Free Listening, Interviews
As a young man in India, wanting to escape the rigors of medical school, Rajiv Parti fled to an ashram in the Himalayas. He told the head monk that he wanted to become a monk. The guru laughed and told him he was not ready. Parti was given a spiritual…
Breaking The Silence Across The Divide Of Death with Matthew McKay, Ph.D.
Most people believe the loss of the body is the loss of life. When his 23-year-old son Jordan was suddenly shot and killed, for Matthew McKay, it was not the end of Jordan’s life. It was the beginning of a quest to penetrate the veil of death through some extraordinary…
Wetiko: The Deceptive Mind-Virus of the Psyche with Paul Levy
There is a Native American concept of a seemingly malignant spirit called wetiko and it’s known by many other names in many other traditions. It’s a psychological force within the unconscious mind that predisposes us toward unwholesome impulses such as the thirst for power and control, greed, and jealousy. It…
Cosmic Messengers: Extraterrestrials with Alan Steinfeld
Are UFOs and their occupants visiting our world? Are we all part of a great cosmic intelligence? There are a variety of viewpoints and experiences of contact with aliens that have been reported by both civilian and military pilots and other military personnel. Scientists, government officials, and ordinary citizens have…
Communicating Across the Veil of Death with Cynthia Spring
Is death actually a transition from one kind of life to another? Are our loved ones close at hand even after death? Can we collaborate with loved ones from different sides of the veil of death? Is there a reality to “soul” and “spirit?” This deep dialogue explores these subjects…