Listening To The Light Of Our Soul with Mark Nepo

March 15, 2023
Read Time: 2 minutes
Free Listening, Interviews
Mark Nepo suggests that life is an incredible tapestry that is never finished. It is weaving us, and we are the threads. We are taught to navigate the outer world by problem solving, but for the things that matter, the heart releases its own logic. He says that life constantly…

Essential Questions with Jacob Needleman, Ph.D.

December 28, 2022
Read Time: 1 minute
Jacob Needleman
Free Listening, Interviews
For millennia, humans have pondered their place in the grand cosmic order of things. If we had the opportunity to speak to our younger self, what would we say? What wisdom could we give to that younger self about the meaning and purpose of life? What does our experience tell…

Spreading the Positive Virus of Kindness with Lindsay Andreotti

November 9, 2022
Read Time: 1 minute
Are you One-of-a-Kindness™? This is the trademarked phrase of the newly formed Kindness Club. We’ve all heard the often-quoted aphorism: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” (Elbert Hubbard). We can all attest to the fact that, in these most challenging of times, it is raining lemons. Lindsay Andreotti suggests…

The Art and Practice of Listening Well with Leslie Shore

November 2, 2022
Read Time: 2 minutes
Leslie Shore
Listening is a very different thing from merely hearing. It takes effort, attention, filtering, and practice. It’s a process that requires us to use different parts of our brain, and a process that is very rarely taught in formal education. Although it is so critical to improving our lives, it…

Spiritual Friends: Help in a Time of Metacrisis with Terry Patten

October 20, 2021
Read Time: 1 minute
In recent times, Patten has been focusing his work on humanity’s civilizational crisis and collective mortality. Since April 2021 he’s also had to face his personal mortality in the form of a rare, aggressive “incurable” Stage IV cancer. Here he shares what he’s learning about being of benefit to all…

Becoming A Trustworthy Listener with Andrew Forsthoefel

November 4, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
Andrew Forsthoefel
Andrew Forsthoefel created for himself a coming of age ritual. After graduating from college, he took a year to walk 4,000 miles across America. Along the way he experienced the hospitality of strangers and encountered countless remarkable stories. After several months on the road Andrew began to realize that people…

How Words Can Change the Outcome of a Crisis Situation with Judith Simon Prager, Ph.D.

May 20, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
Dr. Prager’s book, The Worst is Over, is hailed as the ‘Bible’ for crisis communication. This deep dialogue explores the power of Verbal First Aidtm in helping someone who is in fear, shock, stress, or trauma. She illustrates, with many stories, how particular words and phrases and tone of voice can be…

Mindfulness in the Marketplace with Marc Lesser

September 25, 2019
Read Time: 2 minutes
Marc Lesser
Mindfulness is both profound and potent. Marc Lesser suggests that it is not about holding the busy world at bay, it’s to cultivate a more alive, responsive, effective and warm-hearted way of being within the world as it already exists and within a life you already live. This deep dialogue…

Removing The Emotional Hooks Of Conflict with Stewart Levine

November 7, 2018
Read Time: 1 minute
Stewart Levine
Attorney Stewart Levine loved the legal profession because of the ideals it represented. But when he realized the practice of law rarely allowed him to consider human values along with property values, he took down his shingle and became an expert in resolving conflicts in a way that preserves relationships…

Becoming a Trustworthy Listener with Andrew Forsthoefel

June 14, 2017
Read Time: 1 minute
Andrew Forsthoefel
Andrew Forsthoefel created for himself a coming of age ritual. After graduating from college, he took a year to walk 4,000 miles across America. Along the way he experienced the hospitality of strangers and encountered countless remarkable stories. After several months on the road Andrew began to realize that people…

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