Reclaiming Our Time and Moving Away from Busy Behavior with Yvonne Tally
Free Listening, Interviews
Busyness is not just a behavior; it’s an attitude that claims ownership of our time. Moving away from busy behavior takes more than just solutions. It requires us to discover the motivation underneath our behavior. As we understand what’s driving us, we’ll be better able to make changes and reclaim…
Achieving Lasting Changes in Eating and Exercise with Michelle Segar, Ph.D.
Free Listening, Interviews
Despite our strongest intentions, there are common reasons we may find ourselves defeated in our efforts to make sustainable changes in eating and exercise. We can finally achieve our goals by exploring these areas with a new framework based on the science of sustainable behavior change. “The old story of…
Living More Mindfully with Digital Technology with Claudia L’Amoreaux
Free Listening, Interviews
After an encounter with a 22-month-old toddler using his cell phone to navigate between Safari’s browser and a children’s video on YouTube, L’Amoreaux felt it was worthwhile to have some deep dialogues around the introduction of young children to such powerful and seductive technology. She cites an REI report called…
The Transformative Power of the Enneagram with Russ Hudson
Free Listening, Interviews
Explore the ancient wisdom of the Enneagram, a profound system that illuminates the nine distinct ways human beings perceive and interact with the world. Join teacher and author Russ Hudson as he guides us through the transformative power of this significant framework, revealing how it can foster self-awareness, empathy, and…
Creating a Better World From The Inside Out with Oren Jay Sofer
Free Listening, Interviews
Our ancestors’ village was not the global village of the 21st Century, so writes Oren Jay Sofer in the Introduction to his book, Your Heart Was Made for This. The ancient ones did not have to contend with a bombardment of reportings of mass shootings, wars, and other ecological and social catastrophes. Nor…
Becoming a True Wisdom Elder with Connie Zweig, Ph.D.
Aging is a collective frontier. As humanity is living longer and longer, aging can feel rudderless without an anchor and often beset with fears of the future and of losing our capacities and our youth. Aging is a physical, emotional, moral, cognitive, and spiritual frontier. As we age the main…
Tap Into Your Inner Knowing Through The Body with John J. Prendergast, Ph.D.
Many spiritual practices guide us in what is known as “waking up.” Even though this process gives us a great sense of freedom and spaciousness, John J. Prendergast suggests that the path to “waking up” is by “waking down.” As we tune into our bodies, we receive messages where our…
An Integral View of Spiritual Experience with Steve McIntosh, J.D.
A spiritual experience has been described by some as an encounter with the presence of the infinite within our finite universe of time and space. It takes on many forms and can be conceived of in a wide variety of ways. Here Steve McIntosh addresses such questions as: How do…
Awake-ism: The Heartmind Of Buddhism with Ethan Nichtern
“Awake-ism,” in Buddhist teacher Nichtern’s view, means to be aware, open, and compassionate. He looks at Buddhist thought as a useful psychological, philosophical, and ethical system that anyone can make use of. We can all agree that living an awake life is a good thing. His advice for living in…
Developing Our Natural Resilience with Linda Graham
Graham assures us that we can rewire neural networks in our brain and build resilience to the point that positive emotions become almost a default reaction. Positive emotions are natural in easy times but more difficult to evoke in hard times. Resilience and positive emotions are inseparable. Linda Graham explains…