Exploring the Awesome Depths of the Ocean with Susan Casey
Free Listening, Interviews
Casey, a chronicler of the aquatic world, highlights the complexity and ecological importance of the ocean’s depths as she shares her personal and historical perspectives on exploring its mysteries. We are oddly unacquainted with its depths and importance, which make up more than 70% of Earth’s surface, notwithstanding its depth.…
Sacred Activism for Mother Earth with Cynthia Jurs
Free Listening, Interviews
There is an ancient Tibetan practice of Earth Treasure Vases. These clay vases are created and empowered to bring healing, stabilization, and immeasurable blessings when they are ceremonially buried in the earth. Cynthia Jurs was given her life assignment by Charok Rinpoche, a 106-year-old lama living in a cave in…
Chickens: An Antidote to Life’s Blistering Pace with Tedra Hamel
Free Listening, Interviews
Keeping chickens in an urban setting has become increasingly popular in recent years. They not only produce eggs, they give us the delightful pleasure of their company. When feeling stressed and anxious just take a moment or two to pull up a chair outside a chicken coop and let these…
Meditating in Nature with Mark Coleman
Free Listening, Interviews
Coleman describes his surprising past when he was an anti-establishment anarchist and a punk to finding the teachings of mindfulness. He says both paths are revolutionary, “The Buddha talked about mindfulness awakening as also going against the stream of normative culture and views. And so, in that way, there was…
Wild Animals: Our Natural Allies with Brenda Peterson
Free Listening, Interviews
As a young child, Peterson’s original playmates were wild animals. She grew up in a Forest Service lookout cabin in a forest preserve on the border of California and Oregon. Her father was a forest ranger, later to become the Chief of the U.S. Forest Service. Peterson is directing us…
Awakening in a World in Unprecedented Transition with Duane Elgin
Free Listening, Interviews
The collective human family is straddling unprecedented, threshold times. We’re living in the most difficult transition humanity will ever have to make. This situational crisis is so much more than climate change; it’s a whole system change. Yet, despite the extreme nature of our situation, we’re also living in a…
Holding the Feathers of Grief and Joy with Trebbe Johnson
Free Listening, Interviews
A new kind of heroism is needed in facing the dire problems of the 21st century. The truth is we can’t confront any emergency, whether it’s personal, local, or global, by hoping and praying that the problem will go away or waiting for someone else to act. Trebbe Johnson suggests that…
Poetry: An Embodied Experience with Jane Hirshfield
Free Listening, Interviews
More than the torrent of data and information that is coming from an increasingly polarized and rageful culture, it’s poetry that’s enlivening our hearts. It’s poetry that takes us to a grander landscape and leads us to the wholeness of things. It helps us stand from a vantage point that…
Rejoicing with Nature In Our Own Backyards with Margaret Renkl
Free Listening, Interviews
This program may stir up many memories of encounters with the wild neighbors in your own backyard. Renkl suggests stepping out of our small world of computer screens, smart phones, and TVs to step into the larger natural world, which is everywhere, just outside our front door. She helps us…
Imagining A Sustainable And Regenerative Society with Daniel Pinchbeck
Free Listening, Interviews
Change is going to come no matter what, so it behooves us to engage our imagination toward the kind of future we want. We need to go deep into what truly makes us happy. Pinchbeck is advocating nothing less than the need to embrace our responsibility for understanding what’s happening…