Editor’s Desk: Make a Ripple, Leave a Legacy
Imagine tossing a pebble into a still pool and watching the circles of ripples that it creates. Think of our lives as that pebble and all our actions rippling out far beyond our personal lives. Each act of kindness, even in this moment, may be having profound consequences unknown to…
Editor’s Desk: Our Deeper Intelligence Is Love – Leslie Curchack
A former guest on New Dimensions, Leslie Curchack is a nature photographer and creator of the 2025 wall calendar, “In Love with the Earth.” Here I’m sharing, with her permission, her most inspiring narrative about exploring a sea cave. – Justine Dear Friends-…
Editor’s Desk: Further Notes On Post-Election And Waking Up On Earth 2
I have moved from despair and bewilderment to starting to be curious to know what Spirit is up to with this surprising election outcome. I’m trying to widen my lens of perception to understand the larger good that will come out of all of this. In the meantime, I have…
Editor’s Desk: On the Brink of the Election
With the deluge of media frenzy around the election and all the various polls that toss us hither and yon on the relentless seas of election reports and polls, I continue to be on pins and needles. I remember so vividly the 2016 elections and tuning in after the polls…
Editor’s Desk: Life Strategies Simplified
Life Strategies Simplified We’ve had the immense pleasure of hanging out with William McDonough, winner of three U.S. presidential awards including the Presidential Award for Sustainable Development. He’s an architect by training and philosopher by temperament and is co-author with Michael Braungart, of Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We…
Editor’s Desk: Clickity, Clickity, Clickity, All the Way Home
Are you having trouble with your relationship with the platforms you are accessing on your smartphones, computers, iPads, etcetera? Are you encountering the frustration that I’m feeling as more and more of them are becoming automated? It wasn’t so long ago when working in a physical office situation that…
Editor’s Desk: Getting Out In The Corridors Of Life
Recently a dear circle sister, Rosemary Williams, after a four-point pubic bone fracture that required more than a year of rehabilitation, declared in a prayer that she was ready to rejoin life and requested a playmate to join her. She spoke these words to the mysterious yet responsive universe: “I…
Editor’s Desk: Skipping Rope
As I pull up to the curb in an older, middle-class, suburban neighborhood with neatly swept sidewalks and aged trees shading the street, I notice a young man in an electric blue hoodie and black shorts that hang loosely to his knees. His running shoes have an orange stripe circling…
Editor’s Desk: Daddy’s Girl
June is the month we celebrate Father’s Day. When remembering my father, I recall a moment when I was in the seventh grade and a man from the local high school came to our class to have us fill out a preliminary questionnaire. When I got to the place to…
Editor’s Desk: First Thoughts From My Trip With The Whales
This piece comes from my notes that were taken after my first of two trips to San Ignocio Lagoon, in Baha, Mexico. These took place in 2006 & 2007. I’m still out of my body, trying to integrate this extraordinary experience. I keep asking myself, did I really go, did…