Photo credit: Jim Lerager
This inspiring quote by Joseph Campbell is more relevant today than ever before. The ongoing pandemic has shown us how very much we are all interconnected.
A thought I have long and faithfully entertained of the unity of the human race, not only in its biology, but also in its spiritual history which has everywhere unfolded in the manner of a single symphony with its themes irresistibly advancing to some kind of mighty climax.
Joseph Campbell mythologist and
author of The Masks of God
In order to keep ourselves healthy in mind/body/spirit In these turbulent times, it’s essential we maintain our seat of awareness to both the remote field and how it is affecting our lives over which we may not have a great deal of control and our personal, inner field where we do have choices of responses. New Dimensions has made it our mission to encourage, educate, and inspire listeners on both these levels, the remote and the personal.
Never have our deep dialogues been more relevant. It is with urgency we are asking you to support our small budget so that we can keep beaming out these deep dialogues for challenging times.
As we pay for food for our bodies, we need to pay for food for our souls. If you have contributed to the financial well-being of New Dimensions, thank you; we are deeply grateful. If you have yet to become a financial contributor, please act now.
We are pleased to be able to send you a thank you gift for your donation.
Thank you for all you do,
Justine Willis Toms,
Co-founder, Volunteer Executive Director, and Host
P.S. You can make a single annual membership donation – OR – Set up a secure and reliable monthly RECURRING donation. We are so very appreciative of those who donate $10, $25, $50, or $100 a month. This helps to sustain this work. We are pleased to be able to send you a thank you gift for your donation of $45 or more (for monthly donations the gifts are mailed at the end of the year).