Humor Saves The Day From Loss with Allen Klein

April 24, 2024
Read Time: 1 minute
Free Listening, Interviews
Everyone has their own unique way of grieving loss. Klein says, “I believe loss is a gift; from every loss we learn. We learn, if nothing else, how precious life is. We need to appreciate what we have right now.” He speaks from the experience of losing his 34 year…

The Redemptive Power Of A Near Death Experience with Rajiv Parti, M.D.

June 21, 2023
Read Time: 1 minute
Free Listening, Interviews
As a young man in India, wanting to escape the rigors of medical school, Rajiv Parti fled to an ashram in the Himalayas. He told the head monk that he wanted to become a monk. The guru laughed and told him he was not ready. Parti was given a spiritual…

The Intersection Of Life And Art with Andrew Harvey

July 27, 2022
Read Time: 1 minute
Andrew Harvey
Andrew Harvey is a whirlwind of inspiration. This deep dialogue plunges into a myriad of topics and musings. He speaks of his “soul brother” the 88-year-old pianist and teacher, Seymour Bernstein, who is a true wisdom elder. He shares his wisdom and experience of why it takes rigorous discipline to…

Spiritual Friends: Help in a Time of Metacrisis with Terry Patten

October 20, 2021
Read Time: 1 minute
In recent times, Patten has been focusing his work on humanity’s civilizational crisis and collective mortality. Since April 2021 he’s also had to face his personal mortality in the form of a rare, aggressive “incurable” Stage IV cancer. Here he shares what he’s learning about being of benefit to all…

Quantum Wholeness with Sky Nelson-Isaacs

May 12, 2021
Read Time: 1 minute
Sky Nelson-Isaacs
Sky Nelson-Isaacs has been exploring the scientific fact that our potential to grow is boundless, limited only by our own courage and our own imagination. He writes: “Playing the game is not about figuring things out once and for all. It’s about getting onto a path of maximum growth, maximum satisfaction,…

Prayer: The Natural Motion Of The Soul with Celeste Yacoboni

March 3, 2021
Read Time: 1 minute
Celeste Yacoboni
Prayer is our most universal and yet also individual way of communicating with the divine and connecting with the infinite dimensions of our being. We each have our own way of prayer and praise, of speaking to the sacred mystery. Some of us feel a very personal relationship with God…

The Power Of Trees and Chanting To Heal with Shannon Sullivan

August 12, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
Sullivan shares with us the deep practice of healing our ancestral roots by using the analogy of trees. We use the imagery of trees in so many ways such as mapping out our ancestral tree. She shares how trees can be a mirror of our own bodies pointing out that…

Forgiveness Is the Path with Ronita Johnson

January 29, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
Ronita Johnson
Ronita Johnson is an African American daughter of a preacher who grew up initially in Louisiana and later in Northern California. Here she tells her story of a severe childhood which left her feeling shame, guilt, bitterness, and a general sense of unworthiness. She shares her journey from a devastating…

Humor Saves the Day From Loss with Allen Klein

January 15, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
Allen Klein
Everyone has their own unique way of grieving loss. Klein says, “I believe loss is a gift; from every loss we learn. We learn, if nothing else, how precious life is. We need to appreciate what we have right now.” He speaks from the experience of losing his 34 year old wife,…

Watering The Seeds Of Mindfulness with Zachiah Murray

August 28, 2019
Read Time: 1 minute
Zachiah Murray
Zachiah Murray tells us that mindfulness is an awareness of what is around us and within us in the moment, so that we can see deeply without being caught in the past or the future. She says mindfulness has a different flavor from meditation, “Meditation tends to take you from the…

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