Awakening In A New World

POSTED April 8, 2020 IN



As our attention is rightly focused on the latest news and information about the coronavirus pandemic and what is the latest recommendation for our health, safety, and well-being, financial donations to New Dimensions have been dwindling. I know there is also concern about our collective and individual financial well-being as well. This is uncharted territory as we go through a global, societal reset.

I’m praying that you will avail yourself of our deep archive of programming. New Dimensions wants to be of help in this most historic time. As we all come together and help one another move into a new world of undeniable interconnection.

If there is a program that you truly want to hear and don’t have the ability to download it, please let me know, and if I have access to it, I will make sure you get a free link to it.

I sometimes hear the phrase, “when we get back to normal.” It’s my belief that there is no “getting back”, only moving forward into a new world. This is what New Dimensions is all about, “reporting on the history of the future”. With your help, we will continue to do so.

Please either renew your annual donation online, or start a new donation.

Here I’d like to share a link to the New Dimensions Café we recently recorded with spiritual teacher and author Tara Brach, Ph.D.

The RAIN Process: A Weave of Mindfulness and Compassion with Tara Brach, Ph.D.

You can download the full one hour program with her from the New Dimensions website by putting her name in the search icon box.

Here is what Tara Brach has said about the power of New Dimensions’ broadcasts:

 Perhaps never more than recent times have we needed the kind of offerings of New Dimensions Radio that allows us to explore the deepest human issues in service of truly healing and awakening in our world.

Tara Brach is the author Radical Compassion:
Learning to Love Yourself and Your world
with the Practice of RAIN


Thank you for your support.

 Be safe & Be Well,



Justine Willis Toms
Host, Creative Producer, Co-founder


P.S. Please consider adding New Dimensions to your will or living trust. We would love to welcome you as a legacy donor which honors the philanthropic leadership and vision of individuals who have so thoughtfully provided for the future of New Dimensions through a planned gift. Thank you for your kind and generous contribution.

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