Moss says that there are two basic mistakes we make in this stage of the evolution of consciousness: We identify with our thoughts and we flee from our feelings. He gives specific instructions how to examine our thoughts to identify stories we tell ourselves, and he makes a distinction between feelings and emotions. Moss warns us that if we run away from feelings and link them to thinking, they will turn into emotions. He has a deep understanding of the self-limiting patterns of thought and says, “Emotions are very distinct from feeling. They are, for example, guilt, regret, blame, envy, jealousy, or future fears. These kinds of feelings are what I call emotions; they are created by thinking. If you interrupt thinking, the emotion stops. You cannot have envy without a thought; you cannot have regret without a thought. But you can have the pure feeling of joy without a thought, gratitude without a thought. They are natural feelings.” He encourages us to be radically alive, becoming more available and fully connected with yourself and others.