We were saddened when Wayne Dyer, the dynamic “father of motivation” died in 2015 at 75. Dyer graced our studios through the years with his uplifting stories of breaking through our personal limitations. He is considered to be one of the pioneers of the self-help movement. Here are four of his programs from the New Dimensions Archive.
Bringing advice from sages through the ages, Dyer urges you to enter the world of spirit “where all of your thoughts break their bonds, your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new and wonderful world.” Listen to how you can become a greater person than you ever dreamed. Read more »
“As you think, so shall you be is not just a pithy little homily out of the Bible, it’s the way the universe works,” says Dyer. By re-connecting with your source, you begin co-creating your life and Dyer tells you how to go about it. Let the “father of motivation” fill you with the possibilities. Read more »
We limit our own potential by our belief that we are limited when, in fact, we have tremendous capabilities for actualizing our dreams if we begin by “suspending our disbelief” and knowing that anything is possible. Dyer gives inspiring examples of the power of visions and thoughts to change the external realities in our lives. Read more »
Living Your Bliss
with Wayne Dyer
There are no limits to your ability to think according to Dyer, who suggests that you can imagine yourself doing anything. The power of the mind is limitless. He encourages us to put our consciousness on what we are for rather than what we are against. This conversation is filled with personal anecdotes to support his views on awakening the mind and creative thinking. Read more »