Michael Toms interviewing Stewart Emery, Leadership and Executive Development Coach, and Frank DeLuca, LMFT February 6, 1979
Derrick Jensen is one of our most passionate, articulate, and fierce protectors of living in balance on this planet. Both the late Michael Toms and I experienced deep respect for his wisdom and thoughtfulness. We were moved and honored by what he had to say about being interviewed on New Dimensions.
“This is the second time that I’ve been interviewed on New Dimensions and those two interviews are two of the best interviews I’ve ever done. The interviewer was extremely well prepared and also, far more importantly, was a wonderful listener, an active listener and is also clearly capable of both getting to the heart of something and also drawing out new ideas.”
Derrick Jensen
Author of Endgame, Volumes I and II and
Listening to the Land
We hope you agree with Derrick and will consider making a financial contribution to this broadcasting endeavor. For donation/memberships of $45, $60, $100, or more we will send you a thank you gift.
Because access to information is rapidly changing and morphing, we are awash with a deluge of data. The big question is how does one sort through gazillion bits of information to find the nuggets of wisdom.
As you know, the New Dimensions program series continues to be most precious and relevant resource as it delivers a treasure trove of brilliant and consequential deep dialogues. However, we’re getting lost in the “clutter” of new entries into this cyber-field. We can fix that!
We’ve been working with diligence on a strategy to move this extraordinary library of wisdom out of the eddy and into the mainstream flow of the cyber-river to reach out to new listeners, pointing them to this on-going and most illuminating resource.
I’m excited to be negotiating with an outstanding organization that can help push New Dimensions into that main river flow. However, this new initiative is straining our existing resources. We are looking for an angel partner who can contribute $2500 to to be a partner in assisting in this most critical project.
Your donation to this nonprofit organization is crucial to this effort. Please be a financial partner in this effort. We thank you for any and all your support. Any donation is tax-deductible. Here is a link to donate, or you can contact me at 707-468-5215. If you get an answering machine (because of robo and spam calls) please leave a message and I’ll call you back.
Thank you for all your help and support.
Justine Willis Toms
Co-founder, Creative Producer, Host