Graphic and composite by New Dimensions
The following wisdom leaders feel the key to change and life sustaining action is rooted in seeing nature as sentient – a being worthy and deserving of personal relationship. How may we renew our connection to the natural world, no matter where we live? How does nature connect us to our spiritual nature? What does “wild nature” really mean and how does our lifestyle honor it? The answers to these and many other questions can be found on these four programs specially selected from the New Dimensions program archive.
Program 3180
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Jensen notes: a principle problem with Western thought is that it views the natural world as a metaphor and nature as a commodity. He argues that the key to change and life sustaining action is rooted in seeing nature as sentient – a being worthy and deserving of personal relationship.” Read more»
Program 2723
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Gary Snyder is a renowned poet, activist, and ecologist. After years of patience and persistent invitations, we finally persuaded him to give us an hour of his exquisite insights into nature: What does “wild nature” really mean? Through your lifestyle, are you honoring it? Destroying it? Learning anything from it? Snyder offers specific advice on practical ways to improve your personal relationship to wild nature, understand the global situation more fully, and work to improve the ecological health of your own local community. Read more»
Program 3274
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Mushrooms are our ancestors. Mycelium fields have a consciousness. Most importantly, they create the soil on which all of life on earth depends. Dedicated mycologist, Stamets, regales us with fascinating stories of the Healing power of mushrooms, and how they play a key role in reversing the destructive impact our modern technology and industry have had on our planet. Read more»
Program 3463
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Stuckey begins this conversation by telling three stories — how an eagle, a bougainvillea bush, and the birch tree of her childhood all communicated with her in some way. We think we are alone, but Stuckey points out “we are deeply connected with all others with whom we share our lives.” Read more»