In life we all basically want the same things. We want care, understanding, empathy, and appreciation. Cultivating closeness is a life-long practice. Here are four programs specially selected from the New Dimensions archive that share deep wisdom about the continuing process of creating loving relationships.
Despite being connected 24/7 with others, post-modern life is replete with loneliness. Loneliness is not the same as aloneness. Loneliness is when you lack the feeling of being connected with another. Explore how to build fulfilling and deep connections with others and make closeness flourish. Read more »
Finley explores deescalating painful disagreements and fights in our relationships and gives us tools to transform anger and blame into healthy and fulfilling communication. He shows us a way to stop old, negative patterns in their tracks and leads us into a landscape in which we can deepen the loving bond between ourselves and our partners. Read more »
Discover how we may become more effective communicators to create more empathy, intimacy, and understanding in all our relationships. One of the keys to fostering deep trust and intimacy is asking questions while being vulnerable enough to openly share details of what we are thinking and feeling. The techniques and stories Robinson shares here are like sacred medicine. Read more »
One of the foundations of being able to act skillfully with others is by deep breathing, giving us time to interrupt the emotional hijacking of the reactive brain. Also, included in this dialogue is the announcement of the Global Compassion Coalition in which people can come together to create a world in which people and nature are cared for and thrive. Read more »