Happiness is not a life of rapture, but moments of such, in an existence made up of few and transitory pains, many and various pleasures, with a decided predominance of the active over the passive, and having as the foundation of the whole, not to expect more from life than it is capable of bestowing.
John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) English philosopher
“This is a lovely description of what a well lived life is. You’ll have some pain in your life, you’ll have some pleasure. Hopefully those pleasures are more active than passive. But then you also have the appropriate attitude about life that life is only capable of bestowing so much upon you and that’s a really good reminder to be grateful.”
David Shapiro, co-author with Richard Leider of
Repacking Your Bags,The Power of Purpose and
Who Do You Want to Be When You Grow Old?
The Path of Purposeful Aging