Spotlight: Angeles Arrien: The Wisdom Of A Wise Elder

POSTED July 12, 2023 IN

Angeles Arrien, Ph.D. (1940-2014) left us with a tremendous legacy of wisdom and practical spiritual advice. She was a most beloved teacher who generously shared her gifts with all who came in contact with her. She was a unique and profoundly skilled guide whose influences included cultural anthropology, psychology, indigenous wisdom, comparative religions, and much more. Within these four one-hour programs, specially selected from the New Dimensions program archives, you’ll find a treasure of insights.

Angeles ArrienAging and Sage-ing
with Angeles Arrien, Ph.D.

Program 3116
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Our culture is bent on avoiding aging. The problem with that is that every one of us is aging every day. Arrien points to the enormous possibilities for cultural change as we come into our wisdom years. She opens a gateway to personal possibility and an affirmation that we truly can look ahead to the best years of our lives. Read more »

Angeles ArrienThe Infinite Field Of Possibilities: Viewing Change Through A Kaleidoscope
with Angeles Arrien, Ph.D.

Program 2897
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Eastern philosophy tells us that the only constant in life is change. We move into our day feeling secure about the future, then suddenly we are faced with a catastrophe. A new world is born and our lives are forever altered. In these times of transition what do we do? How do we move beyond fear and anger to live heartfully in the field of positive possibilities? Read more »

Angeles ArrienWalking The Four-Fold Way
with Angeles Arrien, Ph.D.

Program 2424
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Arrien gathered wisdom from a variety of indigenous cultures distilling it into four paths of wise, effective action – “showing up, paying attention, telling the truth and being unattached to the outcome.” These are the archetypal paths of the warrior, healer, visionary and teacher. The opportunity to embody these archetypes arises in every situation in our lives. Read more »

Myths, Symbols, Stories: Bi-Cultural VisionAngeles Arrien
with Angeles Arrien, Ph.D.

Program 2172
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A Basque native, Arrien is at the forefront of those who see the common threads that unite us while honoring our differences. She speaks of the importance of myth and symbol in everyday life and combines the two disciplines of anthropology and psychology. Her cross-cultural approach provides both a universal and practical means of addressing health and well-being. Read more »

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