Here we explore demonstrated scientific findings of the continuity of human consciousness beyond the physical body. Many scientists posit that consciousness resides in the material brain, but Drasin explores the afterlife in what is now emerging, in some branches of science, as post-materialism. These include messages from the “other side” that show up in electronic devices – sound recorders, television sets and computer screens. There is a gap between what we can know through our physical senses and what is going on beyond them. Drasin describes how language acts as a filter in how we perceive the world. He says, “Language affects our perceptions and tends to reflect back to us our own cultural norms and presuppositions. I don’t know if there’s any way to avoid that but I think being conscious of it is helpful.” He goes on with the comparison that the “greater reality” of consciousness might be analogous to an ocean and the soul is analogous to a surfer’s wave that has form and endurance but is not separate from the ocean. This gets us into the question of separation vs. distinction which leads to one of the great semantic issues of this entire field. This deep dialogue points out how we are surrounded by life beyond the physical. Matter vibrates at a lower frequency, thus we are able to perceive it with our senses. However, there is much that is constantly going on beyond the range of our ordinary senses.