Spotlight: Turning the microphone around: Michael and Justine Toms share their stories

POSTED August 14, 2024 IN

Here the co-founders of New Dimensions Radio share the many stories of how they met, how they started New Dimensions, and their adventures along the way.

Michael Toms

Turn Your Radio On: Michael Toms Is Interviewed By George Leonard
with Michael Toms and George Leonard

Program 1722
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Here Toms reveals his own early roots of how New Dimensions came through a series of synchronistic events. He also talks about his spiritual background. This was a live 2-hour radio program recorded in 1982 and includes calls from listeners.  Read more »

Doing What You Love and Loving What You Do – Part I
with Justine Willis Toms & Michael Toms

Program 2700
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This deep dialogue includes discovering your passion. Also, how to cope with a toxic work environment and move with “radical trust.” Michael says in his experience, “Creativity comes out of chaos. When the hardest lessons and most difficult experiences are in front of us, that’s where the gold is, that’s where the real nitty-gritty of our authenticity lies.” Read more »

Program 2800
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Toms shares how he became an interviewer and how he feeds his search for knowledge and wisdom. He also tells us his understanding of what New Dimensions is all about stressing the importance of  “inner work, which determines how you live your outer life as well as the importance of getting out of the problem box and into the “limitless field of possibilities.”  Read more »

Justine Willis TomsGiving Your Fullness Will Take You Where You Need To Go
with Justine Willis Toms, DHL

Program 3567
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Justine Willis Toms shares principals that lead to a more useful and fulfilling life. She asks the question: is worry fruitful and will it lead me to an effective outcome? She also encourages us to create circles of friends who support us in our fullness. She shares the lessons of the caterpillar and the butterfly. Read more »

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