My life is my message.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1883-1944) Indian activist,
leader of the Indian independence movement against British rule
“When Gandhi finished giving a talk to thousands of people in India, he got on the train and as the train started moving away, the people were waving and he was waving back to the crowds. All of a sudden a journalist starts running along with the train and he says, ‘Mr. Gandhi, Mr. Gandhi, what’s your message for the people?’ And Gandhi said, ‘My life is my message.’ That’s one of the most meaningful quotes for me because our life is everything. We can say things, we can give advice, but at the end of the day, how we live is the real test. If you really want to know who someone is? Live with them for a week. How do they handle their intimate relationships? How do they deal with their children? How do they deal with their employees or their friends? How do they handle their debts? How do they handle everything? So, for me, my life is my message is very personal and very powerful.”
Jacob Israel Liberman, O.D., Ph.D., Author of Luminous Life:
How the Science of Light Unlocks the Art of Living