The foundation of our most ancient origin myths is a springboard for our most ambitious science. Mythographers are fond of saying that myths are stories that never happened but are always happening. The hunger for truth and meaning intertwine and are revealed in mythology. Here are four profoundly illuminating and inspiring deep dialogues to help us hold our rudder steady as we sail into the winds of change and chaos remembering that out of chaos comes order in a non-ending cycle. These great storytellers teach us about how to live with uncertainty, despair, and defeat, and turn them into golden wisdom. As storyteller Martin Shaw says, “If myth is the way that the earth thinks, I need to listen deeply to forests, and to rivers, and mountains, and to gullies, and to open more land, to see the stories that are trying to disclose themselves to me all the time.” The wisdom of myths gives us a roadmap to the renewal of life itself.
Meade advises us that we must break the spell of normalcy itself and we must accept the presence of uncertainty. However, the good news is that with every ending there is a new beginning. This deep dialogue explores the collective rite of passage we are experiencing and how using the wisdom of myths gives us a roadmap to the renewal of life itself. Read more »
The Greek myth of Sisyphus unveils our valiant and irrepressible desire to create something unique out of our lives despite our despair and our defeats. This deep conversation plunges the depths and fullness of this misunderstood myth. It is a parable for the modern world and our fight against the hell of the pandemic and the rise of authoritarianism in the world today. Read more »
Shaw helps us get acquainted with the kinds of folktales and myths that can be helpful in navigating these turbulent times. He says, “They are always trying to dig into the mud of the encounter with the notion that possibly there’s a little bit of gold in there. There’s some information that, over time, could turn into wisdom.” Read more »
The Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet is known as “She Who Comes in Times of Chaos.” She transforms fear and rage into alchemical gold. Whether this is actual or metaphorical, Scully teaches us how to tap into these healing energies and spin them into creative solutions that benefit yourself, your community, and the planet. Read more »