Here we explore the emotion of awe and how we can receive its powerful benefits in our everyday life. Awe gives us a break from processing and judging unwanted events and gives us the capacity to see through them—to see a larger picture and we don’t have to travel to the Grand Canyon or overlook Niagara Falls in order to access it. It’s available to us in our everyday life and we can tap into it with something called the A.W.E. Method that only takes 5 to 15 seconds. This method has a cumulative effect; the more we do it, the more it changes the pathways in our brain synapses. Eagle says, “Awe is a lightning bolt of clarity that can happen very fast and can be
transformative, resetting our nervous system.” Amster adds: “Learning how to have awe in the ordinary is opening up the field to be fully present with what is. Every time I dose on that I feel like there’s more awe to be found. It’s peeling off layers.” This practice is powerful in cultivating a deeper sense of connection and well-being for ourselves and for the planet.