These four Programs are specially selected from our archive and will cover such topics as the fierce power of the feminine to speak truth to power to how feminine energies need the penetrating energies of the masculine—From leadership beyond hierarchy to the “Superwoman” syndrome. Tune in to these powerful and inspiring women as they explore the sacred feminine which both men and women embody.
Informed by the Sacred Feminine, which both women and men embody into consciousness and culture, Bolen wants every child in the world to be wanted, to be fed, to be safe, to have healthcare. She speaks of realms of empathy, connectedness, and nurturing, and how, at this time, our world needs the combined qualities of each of these. Read more »
Creativity and freedom come when we break the bonds of dependence and allow ourselves to stand as whole human beings without the need of external and artificial supports. This is everyone’s challenge, but especially so for women, since their voices and energy are so needed now, according to Thoele, a psychotherapist. Read more »
It wasn’t that long ago that every woman wore a girdle. My, how things have changed. We got rid of the girdles and made a declaration of independence from patriarchy—and now struggle to find a way to be powerful and compassionate, proactive and creative, without repeating the mistakes of the old paradigm. It’s a shift of evolutionary proportions. Read more »
Shakti, the feminine lifeforce energy that marries with our well-honed masculine skills, can fuel our creative endeavors. Our inner resources are like a tree, needing to be grounded like roots, giving and receiving love from the heart like the trunk of the tree. Connecting with spirit can be akin to the branches reaching upwards. Read more »