In these perilous and most challenging times we are bombarded with public conversations about where we should be focusing our attention. Because it is coming at us from all sides, it’s more important than ever to take a moment and listen to our wise elders: Physicist Fritjof Capra, is a whole systems thinker, who talks of the interconnectedness of all life. Also, the late Physicist F. David Peat poses this most important question: How can you be sure that the good works you do actually have the positive outcome you hope for? John Seed conducts deep ecology workshops throughout the world and in 1995 he was awarded the Order of Australia Medal by the Australian Government for services to conservation and the environment. He is compelling and entertaining in his presentation to help us remember that environment is not something separate from us. And, another Physicist, Robert Fuller helps us to see clearly what makes power tick and how it becomes entrenched and abused. All four of these deep dialogues will be helpful in navigating these tumultuous times. Please give yourself the gift of downloading wisdom with these 4 MP3s selected from our deep archive of timeless wisdom.
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Sometimes acting with the very best intentions can lead to disaster. How can you be sure that the good works you do actually have the positive outcome you hope for? F. David Peat has applied the principles of quantum physics to explain why some efforts to implement social change have failed miserably while others have succeeded beyond anyone’s expectations. Read more »
As a founding father of the Deep Ecology movement, he’s noticed that “we speak of ‘the environment,’ which makes it sound as though this is something that’s far away from us.” In poetry, song, and conversation he creates a space for us to explore our feelings about the devastation of our planet and our sacred, primordial connection with her living systems. Read more »
What makes power tick and how does it become entrenched and abused? What lies beneath power? Understanding the nature of power can help us move towards a world of freedom, justice, and economic equity for all. Fuller points to a hidden form of discrimination that everyone knows but no one sees, discrimination based on rank. Read more »
At the heart of understanding living systems is the knowledge that everything is interconnected and interrelated. Out of this awareness comes the greatest challenge of our times – creating sustainable communities. Capra describes what he means when he suggests that we must shift from linear thinking to systems thinking. Read more »