Spotlight: Activate Your Creative Life

POSTED June 5, 2019 IN

Imagination and beauty are the active ingredients for a passionate and creative life. Justine Willis Toms is fond of saying, “Whatever you give your fullness to will take you where you need to go.” When you add curiosity to the mix you’ll have access to a wider landscape. Here are four programs selected from our archive to help you become your own anthropologist of the imagination and activate your creative life.

Gregg Levoy

Gregg Levoy

Awe and Wonder: Keys to Living a Passionate Life
with Gregg Levoy

Program 3539
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A sense of wonder is an active ingredient in a passionate life. Even suffering and restlessness can be seen with curiosity, says Levoy. Making space in our minds for the unknown, and allowing creativity to flow, he says, can keep us from being pulled into the “burden of purpose.” Levoy talks of the powerful effects of small actions and the importance of saying “yes.”  Read more »

Discovering Your Creative Fire
with Eric Maisel, Ph.D.

Program 3531
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As a creativity coach, Dr. Maisel helps us avoid getting stuck. He has learned to distinguish between every day creativity and the creative identity. When one self-identifies with an art form, it involves a new level of responsibility and commitment. He reminds us that great work takes more than mere interest, it takes love. Read more »

Michael MeadeGenius: The Divine Mission Of The Soul
with Michael Meade

Program 3518
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True genius isn’t necessarily a high IQ score; it is the unique spirit seeded within our soul. We are commissioned to discover our genius by making our own path and then sharing it with the world. Meade illustrates this by telling a fairy tale about a boy who, upon meeting his genius, is at first frightened. Summoning his courage, the lad ends up with a powerful gift. Read more »

Patrice Vecchione

The Wall-Less Rooms Of Nature That Inspire Imagination
with Patrice Vecchione

Program 3544
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Nature and the imagination thrive when boundaries are exposed and both persevere when challenged. Vecchione explains how the act of being in nature expanded her imagination, which made the act of doing art become more meaningful. Wandering and letting go of control, she says, are the best ways to spark creativity. Read more »

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