Spotlight: Re-visioning Death and Dying

POSTED May 23, 2018 IN

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Facing death – either our own or that of our loved ones – is a part of life; eventually, we are all touched. How will we be prepared for this inevitability, both for our loved ones, and for ourselves? These four MP3 programs specially selected from the New Dimensions archive will give you practical tools from several wisdom masters to cope with this vital topic.

Michael MeadeMarion WoodmanConversations On Death: Dying In America
with Michael Meade, Marion Woodman, Rachel Naomi Remen and Sogyal Rinpoche

Program 2905
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Rachel Naomi RemenSogyal RinpocheBuy here $1.99

Despite daily proof of human mortality, for most people the thought of death evokes feelings of fear, sadness, anger and anxiety. This view has been changing. These visionaries have deepened the conversation and are helping people pass from this life with dignity and grace. Read more »

Fran Smith and Sheila HimmelCompassionate End-of-Life Care
with Fran Smith and Sheila Himmel

Program 3498
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Buy here $1.99

We all hope for dying well and living fully until we do. The truth is that we don’t have a choice about whether or not we’re going to die, but sometimes we have a choice about whether our dying is going to be easier or harder. Hospice is about treating people rather than treating disease. It looks beyond the physical suffering and includes the whole family. Read more »

Stephen LevineLearning To Die In Order To Live
with Stephen Levine

Program 2631
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We’ve heard how a close brush with death can make a person suddenly realize what is truly important in life. But do we have to wait until we die to gain the benefits we suspect lie in wait for us? Stephen Levine, who spent a year of his life as if it were his last, says no. It is through actually practicing our dying that we learn how to truly live. Read more »

Stephen JenkinsonThoughts On Dying Well In A Death-Phobic Culture
with Stephen Jenkinson

Program 3582
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Buy here $1.99

What constitutes dying well in a death-phobic culture? Stephen Jenkinson points out that life is a time-limited offer and our “obligation is to obey. Obey doesn’t mean submit; obey means attend to. What is this asking of me now?” There is much to ponder in this dialogue, whether or not you are actively dying. Read more »

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