Many listeners search for and download programs from our vast MP3 library of dialogues with wisdom teachers. The New Dimensions team maintains and adds to this deep archive of timeless wisdom month-by-month, year-by-year. The $1.99 cost to download a program is helpful, but does not fully support the maintenance and expansion of this global wisdom archive, so needed as together we move towards a sustainable, loving, and wise future for all. We ask you to join with us in being a supporter of the future of New Dimensions.
Please know that we’ll do everything we can with your financial support. And for this we are very, very grateful.
You can become a sustaining subscriber. By donating on a monthly basis $10, $25, $50, $100 or more. This will greatly contribute to a more stable budget. You can call 707-468-5215 to arrange for recurring, monthly donations. If you get voicemail, please leave your name and number and the best time to call you back.
As a Sustainer Subscriber at $10 $25, $50, $100 or more a month, you will receive thank you gifts in December of each year for your recurring monthly donations.
Most sincerely thankful,
Justine Willis Toms
Cofounder, Executive Director, Host