The “Airing” dates below indicate when radio stations air our programs. FREE LISTENING for each program is available for two weeks following the initial air date. Just go to our Home Page and scroll down to Free Listening. All of these featured MP3 programs are one hour long, and are available for purchase and download.
Poetry can play a transformative role in our lives. It gives us an opportunity to ask questions and open up to the unknown. Hirshfield shares her love of poetry, her take on beauty, and she treats us to some of her poems. She takes us into the mind of the poet and reminds us that a reader can benefit from a poem without knowing what the poet is thinking.
“Awake-ism,” in Nichtern’s view, means to be aware, open, and compassionate. He looks at Buddhist thought as a useful psychological, philosophical, and ethical system that anyone can make use of. His advice for living in these times is to maintain our awareness as we move between very personal spaces and collective spaces.
Brenner says we are not limited, damaged or inadequate. She critiques the self-help movement as perpetuating the idea that we are in need of fixing, and holds the provocative view that nothing needs to be changed or fixed to be happy. She posits that we have the capacity to spontaneously find inner peace by shedding the stories and negative emotions that cause us pain.
Brant Cortright brings brain research into a new dimension by putting it into a holistic health context. Cortright’s lessons about brain health incorporate body, heart, mind, and spirit. He clarifies some common misconceptions, and shares how we can help our brains thrive and grow, including what we might be doing to unknowingly cause harm.