New Dimensions is an incredible opportunity to share ideas for authors and for people who are trying to generate new ideas about how to make our communities, our planet, and our society better. It is an amazing opportunity because you have an entire hour to talk with Justine WillisToms about the future, about our lives as we know them and about what we can do to make the world a better place. It is really pretty incredible.
Lisa Tracy author of
Objects of Our Affection
You may not know this but there are fewer than 50 listeners who have pledged on-going monthly support of New Dimensions as Sustaining Members. These special recurring donations form the backbone of our organization and ensure that New Dimensions will continue to exist. We send these steadfast supporters our deepest gratitude!
If, out of the many listeners, 300 sign up at $25 a month we would be assured of meeting our very slimmed down monthly budget.
Please consider becoming a sustaining member of New Dimensions Radio.
Here’s how you can sign up:
Call 707-468-5215 . . .If you get an answering machine (with all the robo calls, we have to screen the calls), please, leave a name and number to call and let us know when the best time is to call you back.
Thank you,
Justine Willis Toms
Co-founder, Creative Producer, Host
P.S. Please consider adding New Dimensions to your will or living trust. We would love to welcome you as a legacy donor which honors the philanthropic leadership and vision of individuals who have so thoughtfully provided for the future of New Dimensions through a planned gift. Thank you for your kind and generous contribution.