Image source: Dreamstime | © Bluerabbit1
I want to congratulate New Dimensions Radio for bringing us the news that’s important as we learn about how to make America a better place for everybody. We need to know how to live a healthy lifestyle. We need to know about politics, about philosophy, about the problems in the world today, and how we’re going to solve them in an intelligent way. The variety of people who are coming to this program series are making a difference in our educational process, so we have some kind of idea what it is that we’re trying to accomplish by living here in America and becoming responsible citizens.
Len Saputo, M.D. author of A Return to Healing:
Radical Health Care Reform and the Future of Medicine
As you are already aware, we are turning from a race of human “beings” into human “doings.” In this fast-paced and technologically demanding world, we routinely run on reserves and force ourselves to accept that constantly feeling tired is all part and parcel of living a busy and “connected” life. Here is where a regular “listening diet” of New Dimensions can keep us sane and healthy in mind, body, and spirit.
We thank you for being a listener to our program series. Now, we ask you to be a supporter. We are not funded by the stations that air New Dimensions. We are not funded by corporate sponsorship. We are sustained by our listeners. For these inspiring and enlightening, deep dialogues to continue, we rely on your support. PLEASE DONATE, JOIN or RENEW NOW. Thank you.
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In joy and appreciation,
Justine Willis Toms
Cofounder, Executive Director, Host