Many listeners send us thank you notes about what they have learned from New Dimensions.
New Dimensions provides a true radio refuge from the noise and negativity of mainstream broadcasting. Over the years, this lovingly-crafted series has presented to its appreciative listeners voices of reason, compassion, and humanity never veering from a commitment to inform and educate how one might live more mindfully, and leave this world in a better place. How rare and refreshing to find such reflective radio.
SS, Berkeley, CA
If you too, feel refreshed by the broadcasts, please, please, consider making a donation. New Dimensions has been seeding the public dialogue for over 40 years and we are looking to expand our efforts to reach more and more persons with these inspiring, informative, and life-enhancing dialogues. Be the change you want to see in the world and do something extraordinary by becoming a member/donor toward a world that works for all.
Join the New Dimensions team with a financial contribution now! You’ll be glad you did.
Justine Willis Toms
Co-Founder, Volunteer Executive Director & Host