Imagination has a way of lighting on the truth that reason does not have.
William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)
Irish poet, dramatist, statesman
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955), German-born theoretical physicist
who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics
A great person allows universal imagination to operate through them.
I Ching, Paraphrase from the ancient Chinese divination text
and among the oldest of the Chinese classics
“These three quotes come to mind and are all connected. I think we’re living in such radical times that rationality can’t solve the issues we have which are connected to the mystery of life. Imagination becomes the way of forming new ideas, as well as seeing ways through the troubles. Imagination is the deepest power of the human soul. That’s why Einstein, a most knowledgeable person, says imagination is more important than knowledge. The last quote I wanted to include is an old idea paraphrased from the I Ching. At certain times—most especially in times of trouble, universal imagination tries to come through a person. To imagine, to know who I am, my own frailty, my own conflicts, and troubles, worries, and doubts, challenges me to become a better vessel for universal imagination to get into the world. It’s a challenge and also a beautiful thing. Imagination can renew life, renew the world, renew relationships, even help renew nature. Universal imagination is trying to come through each one of us.”
Michael Meade, Scholar of mythology, storyteller,
author, and host of Living Myth podcast