On behalf of all the New Dimensions Team and all the loyal listeners, we are grateful to those who have so generously supported this broadcasting effort through 48 years of broadcasting deep dialogues for weekly individual and collective sustenance. Together we have been life-long-learners and have been traveling a path of curiosity, wonder, and awe.
Through your generosity we have been able to continuously bring the wisdom of so many contributors to a better world for all. And, for that, we are most sincerely grateful.
We encourage any of you who have yet to become a donor of this endeavor, please consider making a donation. No amount is too small (or to big). We are a nonprofit organization.
Our mission at the beginning of each program is:
It is only through a change in human consciousness that the world will be transformed.
The personal and the planetary are connected. As we expand our awareness of mind, body,
psyche, and spirit and bring that awareness actively into the world, so also will the world be changed.
This is our quest as we explore New Dimensions.
Please, help us make it so.
Most Sincerely,
Justine Willis Toms
Cofounder, Creative Producer, Host
Dan Drasin Lou Judson Coleen Burrows
Operations Manager Chief Engineer Website and
and Podcast Producer and Audio Editor Spotlight Editor