We thank all our donors and supporters who helped us through the many challenges of the first 8 months of 2020.
You kept us on the air. Now, we ask you to help us to complete 2020 with enough financial support to continue to bring to the airwaves new and inspiring deep dialogues for challenging times.
Can you find a way to join the New Dimensions Radio donors? We have a precious minority of our listenership who sustain our program production and distribution with their donations. Can you join them? If you can, we need your support now. Hit the link below and pick whatever payment option you like, it only takes a moment and makes a huge difference.
Thanking you in advance,
Justine Willis Toms
Co-founder, Creative Producer, Host
Hello dear Justine! I am so grateful for your awesome interview, your calm guidance throughout the entire process and your lovely present soul energy during our time together! I look forward to any links you can share once the interview is live. I’d love to shout it out to my newsletter :).
Laura Koniver, M.D. is a practicing holistic physician and author of
The Earth Prescription: Discover The Healing Power Of Nature,
With Grounding Practices For Every Season
P.S. Please consider adding New Dimensions to your will or living trust. We would love to welcome you as a legacy donor which honors the philanthropic leadership and vision of individuals who have so thoughtfully provided for the future of New Dimensions through a planned gift. Thank you for your kind and generous contribution.