Image source: Bigstock | ©Elise Spangler
I’m feeling immensely grateful this morning for New Dimensions. It keeps me engaged in questioning how I can wake up and stay awake. I need these daily reminders because the temptation to turn away from the deluge of distressing and dark news makes me want to jump into an abyss of distraction or just pull the covers up over my head.
However, my commitment to New Dimensions and to the schedule of interviews keeps me engaged. And, for this, I am grateful. I tell others that my life is like being in school and constantly studying for the end of semester finals. I read books that my normal, lazy self would never pick up and they never fail to lift my spirits and reveal some new hope and inspiration. I have the enormous honor and privilege of sitting across from fellow travelers and asking them any question I want to ask about how they are staying awake and staying on the path. The miracle of all of this is that there are microphones present and our conversation is amplified a thousand-fold and is used by spirit in mysterious and unknown ways as our voices flow out like a river, giving drink to others who are thirsting, like me, for a meaningful life.
If any of what I’m saying resonates with you, I ask you, most respectfully, to financially support this broadcasting endeavor. No donation is too small (or too large).
Justine Willis Toms
Cofounder, Executive Director, Host