Spotlight: Trees: Our Ancient Ancestors

POSTED June 7, 2023 IN


Graphic and composite by New Dimensions

As I put this spotlight together I hear the relentless buzzing of a chainsaw as a tree outside my window is being cut down. I feel extreme distress over the outrageous and violent destruction of a living, breathing tree. This pain in my heart causes me to seek refuge in the wisdom of former guests who share a deep intimacy with our mostnecessary and loyal Earthly companions. Last month you heard fromEllen DeeDickerson about “forest bathing” and the sentient nature of trees. Here are four Programs specially selected from the New Dimensions Archive that have informed and comforted me. I know they will do the same for you.


Julia Butterfly HillThe Power Of One: Making Choices For A Better World
with Julia Butterfly Hill

Program 2942
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In this moving dialogue, Julia speaks about her heart wrenching experiences sitting in the Redwood tree she named Luna, and the work she has been doing since she ended her tree sit. Julia continues to speak out for the Earth and acknowledges how easily we can become overwhelmed by the problems of the world. Read more »

Standing By Trees, Women, And Girls 
Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.

Program 3395
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Trees are our essential partners in life on this planet. Not only are they indispensable to our wellbeing, they are sacred. Bolen’s thwarted efforts to save a magnificent Monterey Pine tree in her yard from those who wanted to have a better view moved her to look at the anatomy and physiology of trees as well as the archetypal and sacred symbols they represent. Read more »

Program 3704
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Here Sullivan talks about the power of trees in guiding us in understanding ourselves as well as our ancestral roots. She also shares the power of communal chanting that is a bridge of past and present that moves us deeply on a soul level as it connects us to Spirit. Read more »

 Exploring the Hidden Kingdom of Fungi
with Merlin Sheldrake, Ph.D.

Program 3705
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Fungi live their lives largely hidden from view and over 90% of their species remain undocumented. Sheldrake says that the fungal kingdom is more closely related to the animal kingdom. Here he takes us into his research on the ecological significance of fungi and its importance to all life on planet earth. Read more »

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