Spotlight: Reclaiming Your Joy

POSTED April 3, 2019 IN

Graphic and composite by New Dimensions

When suffering, anxiety, or fear takes over your mindspace there are maps that will bring you back to joy. Each of these extraordinary teachers has practical tools that will guide you back to an easeful state of mind. Explore how you can move from worry to joy with four highly respected sages in these programs specially selected from the New Dimensions program archive.

 Dance of the Tao
with Chungliang Al Huang

Program 1863
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Huang touches on those principles of inner dancing that make life a joy. In this amusing and enlightening conversation, he encourages us to move freely, to laugh, to embrace paradox, to take ourselves and our world lightly. Take the S out of cosmic and enjoy what’s left.” Read more »

Jonathan RobinsonBoost Your Joy With The Help of Technology, Gadgets, and Cognitive Enhancers
with Jonathan Robinson

Program 3588
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Technology can enhance our lives or it can detract from our good health and well-being. Through the wise use of technology, gadgets, cognitive enhancers and supplements, we may receive help to have more peace, love, and joy in our lives. Robinson’s advice is to use the technology that opens our heart, makes us feel peaceful, and connects us more deeply with each other. Read more »

Gay HendricksMaking the Leap to Happiness
with Gay Hendricks, Ph.D.

Program 3312
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How happy are you? Are you realizing your potential in your work, your relationships—in your joy? Gay Hendricks has found that most of us get along just fine, thank you, but we’re operating at a level beneath our ultimate happiness. We do a good job at whatever we do, which is satisfying, but something stops us from letting our true genius out into the world.  Read more »

Justine Willis TomsSimple Joys Every Day
with Justine Willis Toms, DHL

Program 3266
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Here Ms. Toms shares stories about her conversations with New Dimensions guests; the circles with whom she’s shared laughter, love, and tears across generations; and even a quiet moment meditating with birds in her own backyard. Shining through it all is her fresh appreciation for life and her rare ability to find inspiration in the simple pleasures life has to offer. Read more »

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