Michael Meade, raconteur of the highest order, has the ability to tap into ancestral sources of wisdom and reveal to us our soul’s original agreement as we walk our pilgrim’s path. Along with you, we sit at the feet of Meade as he beguiles us with his opening words, “Once upon a time.” We are transported into mythic realms that are grounded in the here and now. You’ll want to listen and relisten to these tales of wisdom in these four programs specially selected from the New Dimensions Archive.
We hear about the “ends of time” not only from religious quarters but from scientists as well. Could these many endings carry a different meaning without fear, and an opportunity for deeper understanding? Meade believes that the role of storytelling holds mythic truths and taps into imagination that reveals the beginnings amongst the endings. Read more »
On his thirteenth birthday, Meade’s aunt, thinking she was giving him a book on history, gave him a book on mythology. Was this a mistake or was it fate? Storyteller and scholar of mythology Meade acknowledges that this book changed his life trajectory. He gives us hints as to how we may recall our soul’s original agreement and how all learning is actually remembering. Read more »
Even though it may seem like the end of things, Meade reminds us there are always beginnings embedded in the endings. He takes us on a mythological journey that tips the world towards renewal and says, “Why not find our own thread even in the midst of uncertainty and pain and learn how to weave and create?” Read more »
True genius isn’t necessarily a high IQ score; it is the unique spirit seeded within our soul. We are commissioned to discover our genius by making our own path, and then share it with the world. Meade illustrates this by sharing a fairy tale about a boy who, upon meeting his genius, is at first frightened. Summoning his courage, the lad ends up with a powerful gift. Read more »