Graphic and composite by New Dimensions.
Angels are the most popular of all spiritual beings. Who are they? How may we speak to them? How may we hear them? Listen to programs specially selected from the New Dimensions archive, avail yourself of “angel therapy,” and explore the intriguing possibility of the role that angels play in our lives and in all of creation.
Program 2593
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How does modern physics parallel and transform the concept of angels? How did a split between science and spirit come about, and how are the two being reconnected? What is the importance of wonder and awe in scientific study? The answers to these and many other questions are explored in this dynamic conversation between a scientist and a theologian/priest. Read more »
Program 2848
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Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. reveals how clarity and healing can take place in many forms with “angel therapy.” Here she shares the messages she receives directly from the angels about life after death, finding your divine purpose, addiction, children, dreams, how your past lives may affect your present-life issues, and more everyday practical topics. Read more »
Program 2555
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Disregarding the transcendent winged beings of traditional lore, McNiff points instead to “earth angels” – objects right in front of us, however mundane or unholy they may seem – that enrich our psychic life with significance and imagery. These “earth angels” can help us re-embody our spiritual awareness and bring it down to earth. Read more »
Susan Apollon sees miracles everywhere, every day, and she teaches others to do the same thing. Here she shares her own extraordinary experiences, and stories she’s gathered in her years of studying miracles in the lives of others. She talks about coincidences, the protection of guardian angels, communication from loved ones who have died, and the healing power of love. Read more »