Spotlight: Nature As Sentient Not A Commodity

POSTED June 19, 2023 IN


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These three wisdom masters inspire and encourage us to find love and wisdom in the natural world. With brilliant storytelling and the sharing of personal experiences, they cover such subjects as ●“How do we find the strength to not look away from all that is breaking our hearts?” ● “Life sustaining action is rooted in seeing nature as sentient—a being worthy and deserving of a personal relationship.” ●“Why holding the earth is not enough, we must place our hands on the earth as a source of power.” ●“[This is] a process of eroding and evolving at once.” ●“Why we must let go of our certainty to come back into a place of communion and communication.” ●“Even the most open-minded Westerner generally views listening to the natural world as a metaphor as opposed to the way the world really is.”

In this time of intense climate change, the truth is that so often we want to turn away from conversations about the environment. We oftentimes have disconnected ourselves from the land that sustains us. However, you’ll find these voices compelling, poetic, and deeply inspiring. They are specially selected from the New Dimensions archive.

Derrick JensenEntering Into Relationship With Everything
with Derrick Jensen

Program 3180
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Jensen notes: a principal problem with Western thought is that it views the natural world as a metaphor and nature as a commodity. He argues that the key to change and life sustaining action is rooted in seeing nature as sentient – a being worthy and deserving of a personal relationship. Read more »

Daily Bread
Wendell Berry

Program 1929
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This farmer, ecologist, and writer Berry speaks of enduring values, the wholeness of life, and the interdependence of all creatures (including humans). Berry’s self-discipline and ethical sense come through as he leads us from the microcosm of his Kentucky hill farm to the macrocosm of a sane and reasoned planetary vision based on personal integrity, faithfulness, and love. Read more » 

Natural Gifts
with Wendell Berry

Program 2362
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Berry calls for a re-evaluation of the basic values and practices of our lives. He illustrates his ideas with glimpses of his own life and those of his Kentucky farm neighbors and describes a future where we can learn to find love, wisdom and meaning in the people, the places and the work of our own daily lives.  Read more » 

Terry Tempest Williams

The Essence Of Erosion And Evolution
with Terry Tempest Williams

Program 3691
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Here we stare down our present situation without flinching but with radical hope as Williams reminds us that love and beauty is felt in chaos and heartbreak. Healing is going beyond anger; It’s a process of eroding and evolving at once. We must let go of our certainty to come back into a place of communion and communication with each other and with the earth.  Read more » 

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