Our brains form many automatic neural circuits including those that support our breathing, heartbeat, and digestion. It’s possible to train our brains, our bodies, and our hearts to access our intuitive wisdom which helps us get through the tough times and become more conscious in the process. Here we explore how to create new neural circuits that put us in touch with the larger energetic field of infinite intelligence. Within these four programs specially selected from the New Dimensions program archive you’ll find inspiration and practical support for well-being and for resetting the brain’s default toward negativity.
Here Graham shows us that it is possible to train our brains, our bodies, and our hearts to access our intuitive wisdom which helps us get through the tough times and become more conscious in the process. This training is supported by research scientists who have found that combining mindfulness and neuroscience, including neuroplasticity, can lead us to more resilience and well-being. She describes the five intelligences of the body and mind. Read more »
Our brain forms many automatic neural circuits including those that support our breathing, heartbeat, and digestion. Here we explore how to create new neural circuits that put us in touch with the larger energetic field of infinite intelligence. Read more »
The hurts and disappointments that we suffered in childhood often leave lasting scars to our inner sense of safety and security. They show up later in the form of trigger reactions. Campbell describes the ultimate goal of inner work as making effective decisions that come from the higher brain versus the knee jerk tendencies of our primitive, lizard brain. Read more »
Hanson encourages us toward the upper reaches of our human potential as he reveals, in detail, the 7 practices: steadiness, lovingness, fullness, wholeness, nowness, allness, and timelessness and helps us to be clear, strong, centered, and stable no matter what’s swirling around us (like a ninja warrior) with these practices. Read more »