Spotlight: Conversations With A Modern-Day Renaissance Man

POSTED May 21, 2023 IN

Travel with us as Phil Cousineau takes us on a journey of far-ranging topics from what baseball reveals about America to why the Greek myth Sisyphus is of particular significance in our time. Cousineau shares why we must pay attention to what is glimpsed out of the corner of our eye rather than be dazzled by the glamour in front of us. Within these four programs specially selected from the New Dimensions program archive you’ll find yourself sitting on the edge of your seat enthralled by this master storyteller and world traveler.

 How The Myth Of Sisyphus Helps Us In Our Own Dark Night Of The Soul
with Phil Cousineau

Program 3745
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The Greek myth of Sisyphus unveils our valiant and irrepressible desire to create something unique out of our lives despite our despair and our defeats. This deep conversation plunges the depths and fullness of this misunderstood myth. It is a parable for the modern world and our fight against the hell of the pandemic and the rise of authoritarianism in the world today. Read more »

Everything Is A Road
Phil Cousineau

Program 3556
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Cousineau observes: “We’re going to be blinded by the glamour of the world, by what everybody else sees or what the Chamber of Commerce wants us to see. The real art, the real story takes place out of the corner of the eye.” You’ll be inspired as you travel with Phil from the cardboard rocket ship of his youth to the footprints on a 3 million year old road.  Read more »

Program 3492
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Cousineau tantalizes us with his understanding of how night is a powerful companion for creativity. The quiet rhythm of the night is a holy experience of soul. He describes how language and culture arose around the fires of our ancestors talking into the night. By sharing stories and poems he takes us from the contemplative, starry night to the enlightenment of early dawn. Read more »

 Magical, Combustible Words
with Phil Cousineau

Program 3358
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Cousineau has a dynamic relationship with words. If you ever find yourself going to the dictionary to look up a word, only to get sidetracked when other, more interesting words catch your eye, you’ll love his stories of the journey his favorite words have taken to find their way into our lives, and the provocative nuances hidden in their origins. Read more »

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