Spotlight: Loving Kindness—An Evolutionary Event

POSTED May 17, 2023 IN


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Why do we feel good when we’re helping other people? Mark Nepo reminds us it’s not by accident that kindness and kinship share the same root, saying, “One of the rewards for kindness is not just that you will think well of me or that we will develop a better relationship. The act of kindness allows us to experience oneness. The act of kindness allows us to experience the connection with all things… Kindness leads to kinship.” Within these four programs specially selected from the New Dimensions program archive you’ll find tools and reminders that will bring the quality of cooperation and loving kindness into your life to tap into the grace that carries us.

Listening To The Light Of Our Soul
with Mark Nepo

Program 3590
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The heart releases its own logic, going beyond our everyday attempts to meet goals and solve problems. Mark Nepo helps us re-kindle the fire of our aliveness, and reminds us that kindness allows us to experience our connection with all things. Prepare to be deepened by his ability to be authentic as he illuminates the wisdom that is available in our own hearts.  Read more »

And Now The Good News: Compassion Is Alive And Well
with Marc Ian Barasch

Program 3089
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Barasch observes, “People talk about ‘helper’s high.” He asks, “Why is it that we feel good when we’re helping other people? It’s a sort of evolutionary reward circuit, because evolution likes it when we cooperate.” His insights give us reason to be optimistic that kindness may, in fact, be the light at the end of the dark tunnel of interpersonal and global violence. Read more »

Leonard Shlain

The Human Brain: Evolving Toward Kindness?
with Leonard Shlain, M.D.

Program 3221
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Shlain wonders, “Is the present arrangement of our brains an adaptation that is no longer advantageous to us? Is the extreme cruelty, the aggression that our split brains gave us now making us a creature that is endangering ourselves and all the others?” He suggests the hopeful notion we may be about to shift into something much, much better.  Read more »

Our Natural Goodness
with Sylvia Boorstein, Ph.D.

Program 3205
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Sylvia Boorstein shares her insights on how we can be more accepting of the negative patterns in our minds, and find happiness regardless of the challenges we face.  Read more »

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