Graphic and composite by New Dimensions
The nondual tradition suggests that consciousness is not derived from the brain, that it’s not a product of matter but is the primary and fundamental reality. The nondual nature of all life challenges our perception of the nature of reality. It concedes that we must first understand the nature of the mind through which the world is perceived in order to begin to understand the nature of reality. These wisdom leaders in four programs, specially selected from the New Dimensions Program Archive will lead us to some clarity as to why delving into a deeper understanding of reality matters in our daily lives.
The experience of our essential nature is available to us at any moment. We don’t have to “practice” to get there. It is not something “exotic” to our being. Teacher of nondualism Spira says, “The peace for which we long, the fulfillment for which everybody longs, lives in their own being. It’s accessible, available to everybody in their own being. Read more »
A spiritual experience has been described by some as an encounter with the presence of the infinite within our finite universe of time and space. It takes on many forms and can be conceived of in a wide variety of ways. In his integral view, McIntosh challenges us to hold two seemingly paradoxical worldviews: an infinite, nondual universe and a personal God. Read more »
Loch Kelly describes open-hearted awareness as a direct experience of our interconnectedness and the feeling of being held by the same essence that holds all life. It is a dynamic place that sparkles with life. Some describe it as “a child on the first day of summer vacation.” It is beyond head-knowing. It taps into a deeper source of intelligence and wisdom. Read more »
First held in 2009, the Science and Nonduality Conference was formed to bring together the two disciplines of science and spirituality in an open minded non-dogmatic inquiry. Intrinsic to both of these modes of thought is the concept of nonduality. The concept of nonduality and the idea of this conference is explored by its founders. Read more »