Spotlight: Mushrooms: Earth’s Magical Nourishment

POSTED April 4, 2023 IN
Spotlights, What's New

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Mushrooms have healing powers for the Earth and for our body, mind, and spirit. They can turn our most toxic pollutants into food. Mushrooms also have a therapeutic application of expanded states of consciousness that lead to personal healing and transformation. They eat rock, make soil, digest pollutants, both nourish plants and cause plants to decompose, they can survive in space, induce visions, produce food, make medicine, manipulate animal behavior, and influence the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere to list a few of their activities. Here are four programs specially selected from the New Dimensions archive that highlight these magical edibles.

Paul StametsSaving The World, One Mushroom At A Time
with Paul Stamets

Program 3274
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Mushrooms are our ancestors. Mycelium fields have a consciousness. Most importantly, they create the soil on which all of life on earth depends. Dedicated mycologist, Stamets, regales us with fascinating stories of the healing power of mushrooms, and how they play a key role in reversing the destructive impact our modern technology and industry have had on our planet. Read more »

Francoise BourzatIndigenous Traditional Healing Techniques In Altered States Of Consciousness
with Françoise Bourzat

Program 3687
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Many explorers are seeking a depth of healing that is more experiential through expanded states of consciousness. Some modalities of this are sweat lodges, vision quests, breath work, and where is it legal, psychedelics in Mexico. Here we explore the experiential therapeutic applications of expanded states of consciousness that lead to healing and transformation.  Read more »

 Exploring The Hidden Kingdom Of Fungi
with Merlin Sheldrake, Ph.D.

Program 3705
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Fungi live their lives largely hidden from view and over 90% of their species remain undocumented. Sheldrake says that the fungal kingdom is more closely related to the animal kingdom. Here he takes us into his research on the ecological significance of fungi and its importance to all life on planet earth.  Read more »

Psychedelics: Medicine or Drug?
with Richard Miller, Ph.D.

Program 3742
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Miller has reviewed and conducted interviews with leading scientists in America who are investigating the effects on humans of psychedelic medicines such as LSD, MDMA. This has revealed that certain psychedelic medicines administered by proper protocol, have shown that altered states of consciousness can facilitate creativity and psychophysical healing. Read more »

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