Spotlight: Tapping Into Unlimited Joy And Creative Freedom

POSTED February 15, 2023 IN

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We all have an unlimited capacity for love, for joy, for communion with life, and for unshakable freedom. Subjects covered in these programs include: the two kinds of suffering and why we attach ourselves to them, how we can find our happiness set point, how making the quantum leap from ego into larger consciousness releases us into the freedom, spontaneity, and creativity that lie beyond conditioned behavior, leading us back to our center and the ability to be in the present, so that pain is transformed and we rediscover our compassion. Much, much more is explored in these specially selected programs from our deep archive of timeless wisdom.

Amit Goswami, Ph.D.

Quantum Mind – Quantum Joy
with Amit Goswami, Ph. D.

Program 2409
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Dr. Goswami delivers this most encouraging statement: “Consciousness in its primacy is joy. Once we have a taste of this primal joy, we can never forget it.” He’s an Indian-born physicist and philosopher who has been pursuing a deeper truth in science which has led him to the conclusion that understanding human consciousness is central to understanding modern physics. Read more »

Richard MossRediscover Your Center, Reclaim Your Joy
with Richard Moss, M.D.

Program 3196
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Learn how you can move through your days with greater peace and joy. Dr. Moss has developed a map of the ways we lose our awareness and let suffering take hold of our lives. He helps us find the way back to our center and the ability to be in the present, so that pain is transformed and we rediscover our compassion—for ourselves, for others, and for the world. Read more »

Jack Kornfield

More Love, More Compassion, More Joy
with Jack Kornfield, Ph.D.

Program 3267
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The science of the inner training of mindfulness and attention to our own body shows us a different possibility of living with more compassion, more forgiveness, and more understanding. Kornfield gives examples of the benefits of mindfulness and how we all have an unlimited capacity for love, for joy, for communion with life, and for unshakable freedom.   Read more »

James Baraz

Joy And Happiness Are An Inside Job
with James Baraz

Program 3377
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Life is not a destination; it is a fluid movement. It takes practice to overcome the daily stresses that make us dense, concretized, and armored. Baraz gives us many steps that we can take to help life move through us as a blessing and shares several simple but effective meditations to help each of us be more present and more joyful in our life.  Read more »

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